Mi Noche Milonguera 2024
Registration start date: May 30 2024 9.00pm

Dear friends, to participate is necessary to register in advance and exclusively through the form available on this page of the site, starting from May 30 2024 at 9.00 pm.
The priority will be given to the adhesions in pairs, in order to guarantee the right balance of presences between men and women. The pairings of single participations, man-woman, will follow. The requests received through Facebook will not be taken into consideration, nor will it be possible to access the meeting in any other way or directly, reserved only for registered members, which will be confirmed (there is no ticket office, it is not possible to register on the site).

To participate in MI NOCHE MILONGUERA the association to “COSAS DE TANGO” is mandatory; the registration is to be signed in the appropriate spaces dedicated to the form.

The cost of the membership card is 135 euros and entitles you to access the events of the association: on this occasion Full Pass Milonga, buffet with snacks and water, Happy Hour (light dinner) on Saturday 9 November 2024, immediately after the afternoon milonga, (from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm.) – Break Time Pizza sunday 10  november (from 7 p.m).

  • Read the privacy policy

    Genere - Gender (richiesto - required)

    Data di nascita formato gg/mm/aaaa - Date of birth format dd/mm/yyyy (richiesto - required)

    Registrazione in coppia - Registration as a couple
    Importante: l'iscrizione è considerata in coppia se il vostro partner ha compilato il form di iscrizione e indicato il vostro nome.

    Important Notice: couple registration is valid only if your partner has filled in his or her own registration form, indicating your name.

    Per partecipare alle iniziative ed agli eventi di Cosas de Tango è indispensabile essere associati.

    In order to join our events you have to be member of the Association.

    Domanda di ammissione all'Associazione COSAS DE TANGO (ai sensi dell'art 5 dello Statuto)
    Il sottoscritto

    Membership application on Association COSAS DE TANGO (according to Association's Statute 5th art.)

    CHIEDE di essere ammesso quale socio per lo svolgimento ed il raggiungimento degli scopi primari della stessa, attenendosi allo Statuto sociale ed alle deliberazioni degli organi sociali, nonché a pagare la quota sociale. Dichiara di avere preso nota dello Statuto e di accettarlo.

    ASK to be admitted as a associate member for the development and achievement of the primary purposes of the same, according to the Articles of Association and the resolutions of the governing bodies, as well as to pay the social dues. Declares to have taken note of the Statute and to accept it whole.

    DICHIARA inoltre di conoscere l'informativa sull'utilizzo dei dati personali e consente il loro trattamento nella misura necessaria all'adempimento degli obblighi previsti dalla legge e dalle norme statutarie.

    ALLOWS to treatment of personal data to the extent necessary to fulfill the obligations under the italian law and subsequent amends and the articles of Statute

    CHIEDE di iscriversi a "MI NOCHE MILONGUERA 2024".
    Il costo della tessera associativa - euro 135 - dà diritto ad accedere agli eventi dell'associazione:in questa occasione Full Pass Milonga, buffet con snacks e bevande analcoliche, Happy Hour di sabato 9 novembre 2024 (dalle ore 19,00 alle ore 21,00) - Break Time Pizza domenica 10 novembre (ore 19.30)

    ASKS to join 'MI NOCHE MILONGUERA 2024'.

    The cost of the membership card is euro 135 and includes all scheduled events: Full Pass Milonga, buffet with snacks, water, and Happy Hour (Sat. Nov 9 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.) - Break Time Pizza sunday 10 november from 7 p.m.

    This post is also available in: Italian